Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hot Damn, it's Cold!

As I write this post, dear readers, I am looking out through the glass on the french doors of my bedroom and beyond the balcony there is quite an interesting sight.  Small particles of frozen rain are glittering as they pass the faint yellow light of the street lamps.  A moped sits on the sidewalk unattended gathering a delicate white powder.  I see a small dog in a jacket scurrying alongside its owner, dotting the street with tiny black prints...

Shit y'all, it's snowing here!


It's hard to imagine for some of you, I'm sure.  Heck, I can hardly believe it.  Sunday we had our first snow of the season and my roommate Georgina and I went out to explore the winter wonderland that is our neighborhood park.  Given that Georgina and I (Californian and Texan, respectively) were most bewildered by this phenomenon, we trekked alone to the park and left the German, French and New York girls behind.

neighborhood sustainable development park.

I've gotta tell you, it's damn cold here in Torino right now.  I'm not just saying that because I'm accustomed to wearing flip flops and a sundress to Thanksgiving dinner, but I've done the math.  Conversions, you know.  Today it was 0 degrees celsius and although that doesn't take any real number crunching, it does hurt my head just thinking about the implications.  32 is a number we'd reach in Texas maybe in early January if we were so unfortunate.  Tomorrow's forecast details a "light snow and mist" alongside a pleasant little (-1) degrees.  I'm cold.  Mind you I've been sleeping with knee-length socks (this is the part in this post where my dad is cringing) and long-sleeved shirts for about a month now to combat the lack of decent central heating in Italy.  Not bad really, I've got a good comforter and my toesies tend to keep warm.  But when I have to go outside, that's the problem.

ice ice baby.

Even though this is technically still Fall, I could swear to you it's the dead of winter in Russia.  I haven't really felt super cold until today when the bus didn't come for an hour to take me back home and even through my boots, 2 layers of socks and leggings (which will from now on be a permanent fixture under jeans) I truly believed I had developed a mildly serious case of frostbite across my toes.  I remember in August when I was packing my bag to come to Italy I grabbed several long sleeved shirts and my lovely white wool pea coat thinking, it'll be ages until I need this.  The thing hardly gets any face time in Texas and I've been wearing it every day for a couple weeks now!

i've gotta admit, it is rather beautiful.

Family, don't start worrying that I'm over here huddled near the oven, teeth-chattering, red-faced, clutching a cup of tea or something.  I'm from Texas, I'm supposed to describe cold weather in a hyperbolic manner - it's in the job description.  Luckily socks are in abundance at the local market, and since they likely "fell off the back of a truck" somewhere they also tend to be affordable.  These days I think I'll be on the lookout for a pair of boots with serious insulation and water resistant capabilities that will serve me absolutely no purpose once I return stateside.  C'est la vie.


I'm fairly sure I should be in love with snow, and theoretically I am since I've seen it and been charmed by it a handful of times in the South.  But in Texas when it snows, that fundamentally translates to no school.  Always.  Yet here I am on the brink of December (not even true winter yet) and my toes almost fell off waiting for the bus!  Everyone, I still have to go to school when it snows.  Whaaat?  How am I going to make it through January and February?  This post isn't intended to be a complaint, though it has turned into a sort of cultural diatribe - I will of course embrace this change with as much vigor and enthusiasm as I have everything else on this adventure thusfar.  I'll bundle up and accessorize with scarves, hats and gloves; I'll even order cappuccinos to keep my hands warm.  I'll relish at the sight of my own breath in the air as I walk along.  I'll find comfort in using a coat rack inside establishments.  I'll look forward to a trip we've got planned this weekend in the mountains with some local friends.  But damn, I'll still be cold.


  1. aaaaah! snow! I thought it was cold here in California...bundle up! you don't want to get frostbite on your toesies!!!

  2. as a ps- i am wearing a scarf indoors all day and it's 65 degrees. do you have long underwear? because you should get some. or wear tights under your jeans! i was looking at the new BeBe catalog and apparently you can wear tights and two pairs of knee high socks/leg warmers and it's a fashion statement!

  3. Hang in there for a few more weeks and bring your summer clothes when you come to visit...the weather has been crazy, as usual, here with me building a fire one night and turning the AC on the next. Tonight, it's another fire night with temps dropping to 32 degrees! Though it's in the 70s during the day, so we're not quite in the same boat, but at least you have beautiful snow!
