Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Gamechanger

There comes a time in everyone's life when something absolutely unexpected happens. Actually, life is full of these little twists and turns, some larger than others, and the true test of our will is how we react and what we choose to do next. Maybe a loved one passes on, a baby comes into the picture, or, in my case, a badass internship somehow presents itself to you. That's right everyone, this week I accepted a position as a Spring intern for Christie's in New York, the #1 Auction house in the world!

© TripAdvisor.com

Now let's quickly rewind to this summer: *insert harp chords to signal memory sequence* It's a swelteringly hot June afternoon in Turin, I sit in my un-airconditioned room hoping for even the slightest breeze to enter through the open window. A frown has positioned itself upon my face along with a vacant stare through watery eyes. It's official. I've now been systematically rejected from three internships in the past few months. My irrational thought process is as follows: I'm a failure, I suck at life, I have no friends and family around, ergo I will never get a job and clearly no one will ever marry me. When it rains, it pours, and this summer it may have been hot outside but I had a raincloud over me, Eeyore style. I was lonely, homesick, dejected/rejected and working as a glorified personal assistant.  Ugh.

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Fast forward to today: *harp music* I am decidedly awesome. I got paid (a pittance) to work at an international art fair with a Dutch gallery in which I ended up successfully selling the 2nd edition of the artist's video work to an Italian collector (in Italian!)  I was still getting off that high when last Monday I received an email from Christie's about working in their Old Masters and 19th Century Art Department. I'd applied for the internship back in September on a whim (half expecting it'd be like the last THREE that have flat-out rejected me) because it was a "Winternship" so it would've been for 6 weeks over my Christmas holidays. Meaning if they were offering, I wouldn't be able to come home at all. Despite me being unsure about the timing, I decided it would be worth the experience.  

© MarilynMonroeCollection.com

Friday comes around and I have the interview at 8pm my time, 2pm their time. There were questions about my interests in the company, my master program, my thesis, etc - she was really impressed by my current degree and the international scope. She explained what my role would be and offered me the position with the start date of early January until mid May. There had been a clerical error on their part because I didn't apply for the Spring semester. I asked if there was a chance I could be considered for a Summer or Fall internship but she said if I graduated I was no longer eligible to be considered. Meaning it's now or never. She assured me they thought I was super qualified and they thought I would be an asset to the company. And when Christie's tells you you'd be an asset, well damn that makes you feel like a million bucks. Or pounds sterling, euros, yen, etc.

© elogedelart.canalblog.com

This, my friends, is the gamechanger. I mean, it's Christie's. Just having that experience would be like dusting my resume with powdered gold, you guys! GOLD! But I'll have to move from Torino back to Texas, find an apartment and move to NYC for 4 months, then move back to Torino to finish my thesis and remaining workshops. I talked with the administration at my university and everyone's very supportive and excited (also because it'll look great on their website) and they're going to give me a credit for "Art Market and Art Collecting" just by doing the internship, so that'll fulfill my last course requirement.

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So, this is my life. It completely shifted directions in a matter of days. In a matter of weeks I won't be studying in Italy anymore, I'll be in New York City, that mythical island in the northeast where all those important people live and work. Consider this an open request for virtually pinching me because I still don't believe it.


  1. Wow!! I'm am so happy for you and extremely proud of you! You are going to do great. We hope to see you when you come to visit your dad.
    Lots of Love,
    The Mayces Family

  2. That is soooo Great! Couodn't happen to a more better girl (person, if you prefer). WE are so happy for you. IF we were there we would give you a big hug, a wine toast, and Janet would want to go straight out for Gellatto!

    Love you!

    Roy & Janet

  3. Can't wait to visit you in your posh new place by Central Park! All those other internships can suck it, cuz really you were just waiting for the PERFECT one. :) Congrats!

