Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Year, A New Chapter

It's strange.  Every time I finish writing in a journal it seems that starting a new one coincides with new beginnings in my life.  I believe I've filled up 5 since moving to Italy, and now it looks like number 6 will be penned on the East Coast.  For some reason it still hasn't hit me that I'll be living in New York City.  But I'm confident that by tomorrow (when my plane leaves) that reality will rouse me from a near month of rest and relaxation in Texas.

Black and Bleu Burger, The Hobbit, Houston

To recap my winter break I'd venture to use two sinfully simple terms: sloth and gluttony.  After a semester of hard work it was delightful to indulge in the finer things in life.  Those being sleep, napping, waking up whenever I want, watching addictive TV shows with the fam, hot tubbing, happy hour (cocktails in general, really), queso, guacamole, bbq, chicken fried anything -- I imagine you know where I'm going with this.  Basically living the American dream, folks.

Biscuits 'n Gravy, Le Peep, Houston

Well, let me rethink this, I wasn't completely inactive.  I went from Houston to Austin twice, shopped to my heart's content, spun around under the Zilker tree, cut and colored my hair, rode on the back of an '86 Harley, played with fireworks, completed a painting, crocheted several projects, had a father-daughter date, went line dancing while wearing my cowboy boots, and somewhat organized my clothes collection that now spans 3 cities, 2 continents.

pre-creativity/pre-wine, Painting with a Twist, Houston

I was happy to have seen my family over the holidays, allowing my worries to melt away in their presence.  I even snuck in a visit to San Antonio to see my girlfriends, one of whom just got married and the other is planning her big day! (Contextual inference: I am getting old.)  Really though, I loved gabbing with them over margaritas and Mexican food, it's amazing how I couldn't even tell that 1.5 years had gone by.  Catching up with my old book club girls was refreshing and such a blast!  I'm so glad I was able to have dinner with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins (who are soon to be attending my alma mater).  I didn't get to see everyone I'd hoped to see as time was short and my mobility was limited, but I was luckily able to chat with my Uncle who'd been in the hospital and is recovering.

Sara & Me, New Year's Eve 2012, Katy

I rang in the new year at a house party in a suburb of Houston with my friend Sara and a group of people I'd only just met.  I had a fabulous time playing games, shooting fireworks and watching the 2012 ball drop in the new city where I'll be living.

fun with a sparkler, New Year's Eve 2012

Things have changed since I left Texas, that's for certain, but some things never will.  Like the way my Mom always knows when I need a kind word and a warm beverage.  Or how Dad can always give me a serious case of the giggles.  How a chai latte (or a margarita) and effortless conversation are sometimes all I need.  Before we know it, years have gone by and the chapters of our lives have written themselves.  The question is, will we have readable material for future generations?  I plan to.  New York, get ready.

you can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl

1 comment:

  1. So glad I got in some much needed Lauren time and I can't wait to see you in NYC! You are going to rock this internship and I'm excited to hear about all the adventures you'll be having in one of the most amazing cities in the world! Much love -
