Sunday, October 10, 2010

Manage This!

I've been stressing out this weekend because I've got a 45-minute presentation to do tomorrow for Project Management.  Whaaaat?  45 minutes of pure, unadulterated management-speak?  I'm pretty sure that has to be in the Guinness Book of World Records or something.  How could I muster even 20 minutes worth of anything to say about Project Management?  Arrgggh.  Well, I decided if I'm going to beat the German guy (let's face it, there needs to be an obvious winner when there are only 2 students) I've got to have a wild card.  What can I use in the presentation to not only take up time, but also definitively trump his project?  That's right, I needed a video.

The video project always seems to secure the grade.  I remember making videos with an old tape-deck handheld camcorder as early as middle school with my co-director/actress/producer/etc, Madison.  Our public debut was in 8th grade Science class with Dr. Universe Presents: Newton's First Law of Motion - an informative vignette analyzing the motion of a shoe thrown at a schoolboy by his scorned lover: "A."  We managed to borrow theatre department costumes for an English final in 9th grade titled A Day in the Life of an Elizabethan: "A."  And most recently, with over 14,765 views on YouTube (and hundreds of derisive comments from irate Italians), Mamma Roma in 10 Minuti, a classroom sensation for an Italian course in college: "A."  The numbers don't lie, folks.  Videos, even those with low production value, earn the good grades.

Photo Courtesy L. Shultz Arts Agency

So Saturday I sat down in my director's chair and dusted off my typewriter to produce what will surely cement my presentation as the best attempt to entertain and educate members of a mock business meeting.  We've got to basically present our semester project and infuse the showcase with any theory/terms/concepts we've learned thus far.  My project is an art exhibition featuring Spanish artists which will take place at the end of the semester under the theme "Sustainability of Self" which I can discuss at length in another post.

Well, I tried for a whole day to upload the video so you all could see it and laugh a little - but it's just not happening.  I know, what a tease.  But I'll tell you it's superbly over-acted and my foreign roommates carried out their lines rather well.  I'm fairly sure there's no way the German can top this one, not while I've got modern technology and powerpoint projection in my back pocket.  Haha!  Wish me luck for tomorrow afternoon :)Watch the Videos


  1. You are surely going to get an "A" as well as kick some German ass! I would love to see the video. Can you send it in an e-mail? Miss ya! Please send us you address, I have some goodies I want to mail you.

  2. That German guy does not know who he is up against, you'll do great! Diuretic out some way to upload that video! I can't wait to see another L. Shultz Short. Miss you oh so much. P.S. OPI is coming out with a new Holiday collection in Nov!

  3. Wow, iPhone t9 sucks. By "diuretic" I totally meant "figure out." What a faux pas!

  4. hahaha, i just read that thinking i was missing out on some american slang somehow!!! just as an update, i finished the presentation about 15 minutes ago - probably should have gone sloooower but the video definitely gave him a run for his money, shoulda seen his face! xoxo

  5. hahahahahahaha! oh man. a day in the life of an elizabethan will never get old...
    "I'm having the butcher's child!!!!!!"
