Monday, August 29, 2011

New Room, New Roommates

As the Great Apartment Fiasco of 2011 comes to a close, I find myself overly satisfied with the new place (the 2nd apartment I've moved into this week).  I refuse to leave this one because frankly, it's too awesome.  First, there's the location: one block from Eataly.  You guys remember my post about the local/organic/Slow Food grocery store in Turin?  Looks like I've already got my new gelato stop all mapped out.  Second, it kicks the other apartment from this week's ass.  Remodeled 3-bedroom/2-bath, big kitchen completely outfitted with cooking supplies, plenty of balcony storage.  Oh, and there's a bathtub.  Almost cried when I saw it.  Do you guys realize how much I miss bubble baths?  You're not me, so I'll tell you: a lot.

My side of the room.  And yes I do make my bed every day.

My room I'll be sharing with Fatemeh from Iran, an architecture grad student I met a year ago who may as well be a model. My bed is a twin with a trundle, which brings me back to being 8 years old eating butterscotch candies under my bed and playing DreamPhone at slumber parties, but that just means I've got a place for anyone who wants to come stay with me.  (Please consider this a shameless request for visitors.)

Kitchen.  Where the magic happens.

Now I've got to say I've had a lot of luck in my life when it comes to roommates.   All of them I count among my best friendships: Madison, Nicole and Estrella during my unforgettable college years, Mallary and Shelby post-graduation, and finally Ricarda, Natalie and Georgina during my grad school year abroad.  I honestly couldn't imagine many of my most memorable experiences without these girls.  This semester's new stock has got some big shoes to fill, but it's looking promising.

oh yeah, the kitchen doubles as the living room.  it's a classy thang they do here in italy, ok?

One girl is from Paris, and the subtext from this simple phrase should be read: jaw-droppingly and effortlessly chic.  She's just one of those girls that it's obvious Jesus loves a little bit more than the rest of us and you can't blame him for it either.  I don't.  She's absurdly gorgeous.  Her parents are in fashion and she interns for Vogue in Paris (who can even say that?)  She brought 5 suitcases of clothes that were mostly gifted to her.  Ugh.  Just when I think it's enough that she has a cute french accent and manages to somehow not look trashy when she smokes, I found out she has a twin.  Seriously?  I'm telling you, favored by the gods, this one.

is it weird to put pictures of your bathroom on your blog? meh.  not pictured: BATHTUB!!!

The other girl is from Simi Valley, California, which is crazy because that's where I was born and I've never met anyone who knows where that is much less who lives there.  And when I say she's from California I mean she wears a peace-sign necklace, her mom is an art teacher and she carefully packed lots of dry goods from Whole Foods.  But hey, I love farmer's markets and yoga as much as the next guy.  She's into soy milk and Toms Footwear, so I figure we'll get along splendidly.

my desk/collage wall/nook. and that keyboard drawer is full of meticulously organized jewelry.

I've learned throughout my years of living with/meeting different people that you can always be surprised by someone.  So this semester I'm looking forward to living with a Jewish diva, a Christian hippie and a Muslim architect.  This should make for some interesting conversations over diet vegan halal dinners, right? :)


  1. your apartment looks awesome and with that location you guys should try and do some of the ladies' nights at the movies. the only thing missing? a giant woven tapestry! =D

  2. i forgot to tell you the theatre is no longer Pathè, it's UCI so there are no more ladies' nights :( and btdubbs how did you forget to take that tapestry with you??? hahaha

  3. that's a bummer about the movies...and while I am sure that the tapestry would have really looked great hanging in my dorm, no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn't fit in my suitcase. =D

  4. This new place looks amazing and may just prompt a visit from your long lost Texas buddy. :) Let's talk dates, for real this time.
